What You’re Telling Yourself Is Total BS!

What You’re Telling Yourself Is Total BS!

October 25, 2019
Splintered Wood

Three weeks ago I attended Tony Robbins’ Leadership Academy in San Diego.

It was an awesome week. Tons of amazing experiences as I continue to learn to be the absolute best version of myself.

We had an experience on the final day that I want to share with you…

This is me and my team:

My Team and I

What were we doing?

We had just smashed planks of wood with our bare hands!

It was an exercise around limiting beliefs.

You write what’s holding you back on the front of the wood… what you want instead on the back of the wood… and then you smash the plank with your bare hands.

My limiting belief is that I don’t have enough time in an average day to do everything I want.

My desired outcome is to have all the time I need to fulfill my goals.

I smashed that wood like Jackie Chan himself! It was an exhilarating feeling.

Which brings me to you…

What are your limiting beliefs around buying businesses?

Don’t have the time? Don’t have the experience? Don’t believe you can do it?

Let me tell you. All of that is total BS.

If you really want something in life… you make time. Period.

If you don’t have the right experience… partner with someone who does.

But if you don’t believe in yourself… well, that’s the most damaging of all.

We all have superpowers. What’s yours?

Everything in life is about your beliefs. Your mindset.

Remember a time when you followed through on a goal?

You believed in yourself. You exercised your superpower. You got s**t done. Period.

You did it back then. You can and you will do it again.

When it comes to buying a business, mindset is 70% of the process. The other 30% is just the mechanics.

Until then, bye for now.

Carl Allen

Carl Allen
Editor and co-founder, Dealmaker Wealth Society

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