Who We Are

Contrary to popular belief, monetary wealth is rarely inherited…

Yet most of us dream about having the means to do what we want… when, where, how and with whom we want… though we don’t have the first clue where to begin.

Search the internet for “how to build wealth” and two of the top results you’ll see tell you to invest in yourself… and venture into entrepreneurship.

Dealmaker Wealth Society (formerly Ninja Acquisitions) was born in 2012 to help you do both! We unchain existing and would-be entrepreneurs from what’s holding you back… and empower you to live the life you think is just beyond your reach.
Easier said than done?

Not for the more than 400 million entrepreneurs around the globe — 27 million of whom own businesses in the U.S.!

In fact, according to the 2016 HSBC Essence of Enterprise study, not only is the average U.S. entrepreneur’s net worth $4 million… but the majority own and run six to seven businesses!

Think you’re not [insert your negative thought] enough to be one of them?

You know what… you’re right. If you think like that maybe it is best to keep things the way they are rather than rock the boat — I mean, most of us lead average lives anyway, right?

Bullocks! (Yes, I’m British.) That’s fear talking.

With Dealmaker Wealth Society, you can — and will — shut out the naysayers, make your own rules, unleash your full potential…

And build wealth, security and freedom of your wildest dreams — all with the support of likeminded dreamers turned dealmakers.

Today, I work fewer hours. Travel the world. Enjoy my family. Care for my health.

Now my team and I want to help you do the same.

See below for more about our unconventional crew…

Meet Carl Allen

Carl Allen CEO & Founder
Carl Allen is the founder and CEO of Dealmaker Wealth Society. Carl is an entrepreneur, investor and corporate dealmaker with almost three decades of experience. Carl has worked on transactions worth over $48 billion, which includes over 330 acquisitions and sales. For almost three decades, Carl has analyzed thousands of businesses, big and small, in 17 different countries and across nearly every business sector.

Carl’s reputation as an investor and corporate dealmaker has led him to advise some of the world’s largest corporations on investments, acquisitions, disposals and restructuring. Carl has also assisted hundreds of business owners in raising both equity and debt finance.

Through Dealmaker Wealth Society, Carl coaches and mentors our customer base of more than 7,500 entrepreneurs, investors and business owners. All are leveraging acquisitions to generate cash flow, wealth creation and impact.