Book Review: Billionaire in Training
Book Review: Billionaire in Training

I’ve got another surprise for you from my Baltimore box of goodies…
(I can’t believe I haven’t reviewed this book before now – it’s definitely in my top 10!)
Billionaire in Training by Bradley Sugars is all about the different, innovative ways he has bought, grown and sold businesses doing no-money-down deals.
Some of what he talks about we teach in our Dealmaker CEO training program… but some we don’t.
For example, until Adam recently began to shift my thinking on the subject, I wasn’t a fan of doing deals where real estate was involved.
But – especially if you’re interested in the restaurant sector – Sugars walks through how you can basically take over a business for free by simply buying the real estate and then trading it to someone else.
In a year where it’s been reported that up to 40% of all restaurants (sadly) may not survive the strain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, that could be something to consider. (Where one door closes, another opens.)
Watch today’s video for more on how you can “eat millionaires for breakfast” on the road to building your own billion-dollar empire.
Until next time, bye for now.
P.S. Sugar’s book is great. But if you’re looking for intensive, end-to-end training on how to buy a business without using any of your own money, you should really look no further than our very own Dealmaker CEO training program. Not only will you get exclusive access to proprietary tools like our 30 questions to ask every seller… simple valuation models… and tried-and-trusted Financier Rolodex (among many more!)…
But you’ll also be invited to join our private Facebook group where – along with Adam and Carl – nearly 700 students just like you share war stories and mentor each other to dealmaking dominance! Click here to learn more about how to be a dealmaker-in-training, whether you aspire to billionaire status or not!