Book Review: The Ultimate Sales Machine
Book Review: The Ultimate Sales Machine

Repeat after me: pigheaded, discipline and determination.
The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies by the late Chet Holmes is one of the greatest business books of all time.
It’s all about how to dominate 12 key strategies in your business by doing them over and over and over again.
Distilled to one word, it’s about intense FOCUS.
In fact, all the skills I’ve learned around time management I got from Chet Holmes.
In today’s video I give you a quick overview of the 12 strategies he discusses.
If you’re a business owner — or an aspiring business owner — this book MUST be on your bookshelf. Same goes for dealmakers.
After all, leaders are readers. And there’s no better read about leadership than this one.
Until next time, bye for now.