Put This Tactic on “Rinse and Repeat”
Put This Tactic on “Rinse and Repeat”

After two long but extremely rewarding weeks in the U.S., I was back in Manchester the last two weeks of November.
It was time to catch up with my family, prepare for the big move to our new home in early January and tend to my U.K. business interests.
There are two great deals about to close in the U.K. inside of my private equity business, Prox Capital Group.
One is a very profitable cybersecurity business that has the potential to be a nice roll-up – where you acquire multiple companies inside of a larger entity, merge them and generate synergies (and extra cash flow) from combining operations.
The second is a major coach operator in the tourism sector. This will not close until early 2020, but it is one of the most interesting and creative deals I have been involved with in the past few years. It’s a 100% seller financing deal where we are paying for the business over time from future profits. Not only that, but the seller is leaving us with assets, cash and a host of other goodies.
It’s the deal of the century. And it all came down to truly understanding how motivated the seller was to retire…
By building world-class rapport, trust and credibility that we’d take his business and grow it. We assured the seller the pride he had in his business would grow exponentially as we took it to the next level.
I was thinking especially about seller pride this week as my 11-year-old son, Josh, won his school’s All-Rounder Scholarship Award in Year 7.
He’s smart, articulate, passionate and good at everything, especially math and soccer.
I was thinking how proud I am of him – just like the seller is of the coach operator – and more importantly, how even more proud I will be as he continues his amazing journey through life, stepping up to the next level…
With me cheering him on from the sidelines.
That’s exactly how you want the seller of a business to feel.
Proud of their own journey…
Confident in your ability to take the business to the next level…
And excitedly cheering you on from the sidelines.
During my time at home I also went to the National Achievers Congress (NAC) in Birmingham. I went to see one of the massive gurus who was speaking. I can’t tell you yet which one – it’s a closely guarded secret – but I’m working on a very cool deal with them.
Don’t worry… you’ll be the first to know when the time is right.
NAC is on a global tour. It’s attended by thousands of entrepreneurs at each location all over the world.
It’s a great place to network, a critical skill to develop for effective dealmaking…
To learn from experts who have achieved the results you are seeking and to take massive action on your goals and dreams.
What action are you taking this week on your goals and dreams? What are you focussed on?
Where focus goes… energy flows.
I have a mini-challenge for you. It will take you no more than 15 minutes.
Do this with me. Today.
- Commit yourself to a goal you want to achieve in the next 3 months. It could be anything. Lose 10 pounds. Quit a bad habit. Buy a business. Anything. Be as specific as you can be. Numbers, details, everything. But be absolutely 100% committed to it.
- Write down exactly why you want it. How will you feel when you achieve it? How will you feel when you don’t? What’s your true purpose? Your “why”?
- Brainstorm 10—20 things you need to do over the next 90 days to achieve this goal and rank them in terms of importance. Pick the top 3—5, the 20% that will give you 80% of the result. Do those things every day for the next 90 days and watch what happens.
I’ve had intensely crazy, exhilarating and sometimes tragic life circumstances. Chances are I’ve been there… and can help set you up for success.
Until then, bye for now.
Carl Allen
Editor and co-founder, Dealmaker Wealth Society