Having found your way to this site, my guess is you’re a little (possibly a lot) like me.

Right this very minute you’re trapped in a gray cubicle with no view of the outside world…

Or a want-to-be entrepreneur who’s repeatedly been told that 60% of startups fail in the first year…
Or a small business owner struggling to find new customers and crush the competition.

No matter the circumstance, YOU are why Dealmaker Wealth Society exists. It’s your roadmap to shutting-out the naysayers, making your own rules, unleashing your full potential, and building wealth, security and freedom beyond your wildest dreams — all with the support of likeminded dreamers turned dealmakers.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not!

Don’t just take it from me. Listen to Nathan E…

Coming across Carl’s program I finally was able to see the action steps to take so I could do it for myself without having to get an MBA.

Even speaking with some friends who had MBAs I was able to show them things they weren’t taught. If you dream of being a business owner and want to invest in a blueprint that will take you A-Z this would be it. I couldn’t thank Carl more for giving me the keys to change my life and give myself the freedom to make money no matter where I go in the world.

I founded Dealmaker Wealth Society (formerly Ninja Acquisitions) in 2012.

You see, a little more than a decade ago I was dying inside…

Despite making millions of dollars closing nearly $48 billion dollars’ worth of deals for the likes of Hewlett-Packard and Bank of America, I was overwhelmed and miserable.

The very life I was working so hard to provide for myself and my family was falling apart…

I was treating my body like a garbage disposal, I wasn’t having sex (TMI?)… and I (almost) missed the birth of my second son.
That’s when I knew I had to make changes. Pronto!

So I quit my job… without a plan. It was one of those “I’m done!” moments you may secretly dream of. (To be clear, I don’t recommend this as a go-to strategy.) But sometimes you just need to do something!

I knew I had skills to fall back on. I knew how to buy and sell businesses with other people’s money…

And I knew there are roughly 2.6 million profitable small businesses with revenue between $1 and $5 million dollars for sale right now. Yet only 1 in 13 will sell within 12 months of being listed.

That leaves 92% of businesses for sale on the market — with motivated sellers — for more than a year! If a house were on the market that long, you’d know you could buy it for an unbelievable deal!

Same with small businesses. You just need to know how to find them and what to look for.

Best of all?

The financing can be done without a single dime of your own money!

Today I’m the proud owner of — or investor in — nine small businesses…

And every single one of them is being managed and run on a day-to-day basis by someone else!

You may think this sounds hard to do, but trust me, it’s not. And you can do it by only putting in a few hours a week while holding down your current job.

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As soon as I chose a more unconventional path to meeting my financial goals, I felt relaxed for the first time in a decade. My health and marriage completely turned around. Not only did I have loads of money, which I guess makes me rich…

But for the first time ever… I had time. Time to do the things – and be with the people – I love.

That’s what makes me wealthy. And I want the same for you.

I built this business on the strong ethics and world-class deal making principles embodied during my 27-year career in investment banking, corporate M&A, private equity and self-employment. Today, more than 1,500 students have gone through my business buying training courses…

And the results have been nothing short of incredible.

Many former stressed-out folks are now business owners who have proudly taken back control of their time and their lives…

Like Phil W. who writes…

Carl is the real deal! If you are interested in acquiring businesses, why not mentor under someone that has been there and done that – time and time again! I went through his training courses and used him as my mentor. This gave me great confidence to go out and acquire one business (with nothing down) and to start up a series of new businesses.

It’s often said “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Dealmaker Wealth Society is for all you likeminded dreamers…

So let’s get doing!

Until next time, bye for now.

P.S. Why wait another minute? Click the button below.

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