I spoke with my personal development coach last week. (Yes, even I have a coach). He’s a Tony Robbins coach who has guided me over the past few years.
I have achieved massive success over the past two years and it’s time for me to raise the bar. So we talked about setting some new goals.
Remember the Wheel of Life?
It balances out all the important elements of your life – career, wealth, family, relationships, health, spirituality, etc.
Here’s where I am today in my wheel of life. It’s still a little bumpy. My physical body and time management are still major issues for me:
However, I’m in a great place, overall.
See, the Wheel of Life works like an actual wheel. If it’s jagged (imagine your relationships and health are HIGH, while your career and wealth are LOW), moving forward it would be a very bumpy ride.
So I asked my coach, David, “What’s ONE thing I can do this summer that will elevate ALL areas of my wheel and metaphorically lift all boats, across all areas.
His answer… 75 HARD.
I’d never heard of it, so I looked it up.
75 HARD is a transformative program designed by the entrepreneur Andy Frisella. The tag line – which I LOVE – is “75 days to winning the war with yourself.”
Here’s what you need to do for 75 days:
- Work out TWICE a day for 45 minutes (one session must be outside)
- Drink a gallon of water per day (approximately four liters or quarts)
- Drink NO alcohol (yikes!)
- Stick to a healthy diet (no sugar, candy, sweets, cake or anything unhealthy)
- Read at least 10 pages of personal development/entrepreneurial material each day
- Take a progress photograph every day
- Fill in a journal.
And here’s the kicker: If you miss a day, you must start all over again from Day 0.
This program is all about mental toughness and discipline. After 75 days it will completely change your focus, mindset and determination.
Initially, I thought – NO WAY. My mind and my body can’t take that.
But really, that’s a story I tell myself. A limiting belief.
You may tell yourself you can’t buy a business using other people’s money. That’s a limiting belief too. Of course, you can do it. You just have to believe you can.
I applied this idea to 75 HARD and broke it down…
Drink water: I do that already. Not FOUR liters, but at least two. So big tick.
Read: I read at least 50 pages a day already, and I always read books on topics that will teach me something. Again, big tick.
Mind my diet: My family and I already eat healthily. Yes, I’m partial to chocolate, cake, candy and sugar, but honestly, I could strip it out if I wanted to do so. Not a big deal at all. Tick.
No alcohol: This one initially frightened me. As you know, I love a beer (or two). Especially in my local pub. But I have never tried nonalcoholic beer before and my favorite beer (Peroni, a premium Italian lager) has a nonalcoholic version. I tried it last weekend and, WOW, couldn’t tell the difference. So I know I can do this for 75 days. Tick.
Exercise: I’m already cycling over 100 miles a week and constantly walking my dogs. When my local gym reopens on July 25, I can go there to fill up my 14 workouts per week. Tick.
Take photos: How hard is it to use an iPhone? Tick.
Journal daily: I do this already as part of my morning ritual. Tick.
So the initial limiting belief that I COULDN’T do this has now been replaced by the EMPOWERING TRUTH that I CAN and WILL do this.
I will give updates on my progress here in Confessions and on our social media channels…
But first, if you want to do this WITH me, check out the program here.
Then drop me a line and say YES, I’m IN.
Even if this program isn’t for you, you can use my same thinking process above for buying a business.
There are 10 steps in buying a business and I break it all down for you in my Dealmaker CEO course.
Some of those steps you can already do…
Can you search Google, use a phone and send emails? Great, that’s your deal origination nailed. Tick.
Can you speak with people in a confident manner and build relationships? Great, you will nail seller meetings. Tick.
Ever used a spreadsheet? Of course, you have. Then you can easily input numbers into a template to value, structure and finance the deal for you. Tick.
Anything you want to do in life – 75 HARD, buy a business or anything else – is easy once you break it down into its component parts. Then go through and tick off each one.
It’s that simple.
Until next time, bye for now.
Carl Allen
Editor and co-founder, Dealmaker Wealth Society
P.S. Have you ever done a program like 75 HARD? Did you finish it? What was the most challenging part for you? Let me know! You can email me at [email protected] or leave a comment in our private group.