Use The Power List to Structure Your Day
Use The Power List to Structure Your Day

We recently launched a new platinum level mentoring program called Dealmaker Empire to help existing business owners scale through acquisition.
Fifteen months in the making, it has 100 years of dealmaking expertise baked into the content and weekly group mentoring.
(If you currently own a business making more than $500K annually and are interested in learning more, apply to speak to me or Adam about or next session here.)
Anyway, on the kick-off call I talked about ‘The Power List’ concept. It’s a list of FIVE critical things I’m conditioned to implement each and every day.
What is The Power List?
The Power List was taught to me by Andy Frisella — father of 75 Hard, the amazing 75-day mental toughness challenge I put myself through last year.
I heard about The Power List on his The MFCEO Project podcast.
The Power List is a set of FIVE tasks you MUST complete on any given day. It applies on Saturdays and Sundays too, because, guess what? Those both end in ‘day’ also.
The Power List is NOT a list of long-term goals like:
- Make $1,000,000
- Fix my relationship
- Close a deal.
Although all of these are in your control, they require consistent action over time in their pursuit.
The Power List are those DAILY action items that will get you further down your desired path.
For example, let’s say you want to lose 10 pounds. The action steps are eat less and move more.
Simple, but true.
So TWO of your power list steps for any given day could be:
- Exercise for at least 45 minutes and burn 500 calories. Walking with a weight vest (ruck walking), cycling, hitting the gym or jogging will do that.
Executing that task is a power list item. It’s 100% in your control to do that work.
- Another step would be to consume no more than say 1,500 net calories (or whatever your doctor tells you is right for you.)
As part of the 75 Hard regimen, I worked out TWICE a day for 75 days, consumed no more than 1,500 net calories (after exercise) every one of those days, and lost more than 30 pounds.
Whatever rules you create, I strongly suggest you make them SPECIFIC… and do the hardest thing FIRST.
Coined in his excellent book Eat That Frog, author Brian Tracy discusses the psychological impact of smashing the hardest task first — it gives you power and confidence to complete your remaining tasks.
So you get the rules here. The daily tasks are for you to decide — but do five tasks that will move the needle in your life and make you better tomorrow than you are today.
That’s how simple it is.
Do all five in one day, you win the day.
Win at least FOUR of the SEVEN days of the week (a winning record in sports), then you WIN the week.
Win all the weeks in the month, you win the month. Win all the months in a year, then you win the year.
I only started doing this in October 2020 and I’ve won 13 of my 18 weeks so far. That a 72% success rate. I’m pleased, but there’s room for improvement.
Here’s my power list from one of my days last week:
- Exercise on my bike trainer for 45 minutes
- Consume 2,000 net calories (I’m doing weight maintenance at the moment)
- Deliver a world-class Empire group mentoring call
- Review and sign-off on an SBA financing term sheet for our next PROX Capital Group acquisition
- Cook dinner for the family — Brazilian one-pot chicken curry.
I smashed all five and won the day!
You’ll notice that my five items are spread out across multiple aspects of my life, not just work…
And they flex and change every day.
Obviously, these aren’t the ONLY things I’m doing in a given day, but they are the most important.
You could choose to do a dealmaking power list on one (or more) of your days. For example:
- Originate at least two new deals from multiple origination methods
- Sign a term sheet on the financing for your own deal
- Add 10 new deal intermediaries (CPAs, wealth managers, lawyers, etc.) on LinkedIn.
- Submit an offer that you have been putting off
- Start daily mindset training (S.A.V.E.R.S., for example)
So, that’s The Power List. Do five critical items to improve your life in any and all areas. Something that’s going to evolve and improve you as a human on any given day.
Hit the hardest one first and snowball from there.
Nail all five, you win the day. Do that at least four times a week, you win the week, then the month and then the year.
Twelve months from now you’ll look back on all the amazing results.
Until next time, bye for now.