What Does Normal Look Like Post COVID-19?
What Does Normal Look Like Post COVID-19?

The past month or so has been very different. Challenging, in some cases.
Whether you are in the U.K., USA, Canada, Australia or pretty much anywhere, the way we live our lives has dramatically changed.
No more visiting friends and family… No more freedom to travel… Lines at the supermarket… Employees furloughed or, if they’re lucky, working from home… Children being homeschooled since the schools shut down…
However, the lockdowns are starting to lift in some places and – apart from continued social distancing – life should start to get back to normal.
But here’s the shocking truth…
Only 9% of people WANT life to return to the way it was before.
At least in the U.K., where I’m quarantined at my country residence. Although it’s probably the same across most other countries.
Let me ask you…
What was your normal PRIOR to the lockdown? And how is it different now?
- Are you taking better care of your body and exercising daily? (In the U.K. exercise is one of only four reasons you are allowed to venture outside)
- Are you eating more healthily? Apparently, 38% of people are now cooking food from scratch using fresh ingredients (so less processed junk food)
- Are you spending more time with your family? If they live with you, you must be! I know I have spent more time with my wife and son in the past six weeks than I did in the previous six MONTHS.
All good, right?
When the lockdown ends, some parts of my life will go back to “normal” – or the way they were. For example, I’ll be able to travel back and forth to Baltimore to see my dealmaker family. (I’m really looking forward to that.)
But I will keep some of the recent changes – like maintaining the new healthy eating and exercise regime I have been following under lockdown. I will also make a point to play full out with my family whenever I am home.
But my career and work mission will stay exactly the same.
I will continue to empower entrepreneurs to buy businesses using other people’s money. And I’ll continue to buy businesses in conjunction with Adam Markley via PROX, our private equity firm.
What about you?
Will you continue to eat healthy? Exercise? Spend time with your family?
But what about your work mission?
Will you go back to working for someone else? For 40 hours (or more) a week – plus commute? Making someone else richer while you continue to merely pay the bills?
If that’s the case, I want you to consider NOT going back to the norm.
Instead, I want you to start down a NEW path. One that will lead to freedom, wealth and a sense of pride.
To do that, you will need to learn a new skill – and now’s the perfect time to do it.
With this new skill, you can take back control.
Remember what it was like for you pre-lockdown…
Chained to your job.
No work-life balance.
Not spending quality time with your family like you are now.
All your time, skills, effort and wisdom financially benefiting someone else.
Do you really want to go back to that? Or do you want to make a change?
If the latter is true, GREAT. I want to help you.
When you do go back to work, know it’s only going to be temporary.
If you start your dealmaking career today, you could own a profitable, established small business in a sector and location of your choosing in under 99 days.
Then you have the choice – you can work IN the business as an owner-manager (if you want) OR you can hire someone else (a general manager) to take care of the day-to-day so you can focus on growth as the owner-investor.
Either way, you can move from employee to employer all in less than 99 days.
Then – because you will be able to effectively work part time – you can continue doing some of the amazing new hobbies you started during lockdown.
Or keep spending time with your amazing family and friends or supporting your community.
If you are part of the 91% who want something MORE, I’ve got you covered.
I lay out the entire deal origination process for you in my Dealmaker Launchpad training course.
Why go back to being unhappy?
Create your NEW normal – starting now.
Until next time, bye for now.
Carl Allen
Editor and co-founder, Dealmaker Wealth Society
P.S. Dealmaker Launchpad is the perfect way to get started. It gives you the building blocks you need to get yourself in the dealmaking mindset, build your network and start originating deals – in just seven days!
Plus, it gives you access to the private Dealmaker Launchpad Facebook group, where you can ask questions, develop leads and network with other dealmakers. So what are you waiting for? Enroll in Dealmaker Launchpad today.