One of the BIGGEST benefits of our elite Dealmaker Academy course is the weekly group mentoring call, which features an exercise we like to call “Red Light, Green Light,” or RLGL for short.
Basically, any Academy student can submit a deal for us to review and give it a thumbs-up (green light) or a thumbs-down (red light).
These RLGL calls help students filter out the best deal opportunities and decide how to proceed.
Of course, we anonymize the deal for the sake of privacy… But it’s a GREAT way to watch a deal analysis in action – and sharpen your own deal-vetting skills.
A few weeks ago, Carl and I decided to do a live RLGL call on YouTube and make it open to all.
You’ll recognize me and Carl… Joining us is John McIlroy – lead coach in Dealmaker Academy.
We reviewed a deal Carl and I had never seen before – which goes to show just how quickly experienced dealmakers can evaluate a company and identify what questions to ask the seller.
Click on the video image below to watch – and be sure to subscribe to the Dealmaker Wealth Society channel on YouTube for access to more awesome content like this each week.
You’re only one deal away,
Adam Markley
Co-founder and publisher, Dealmaker Wealth Society
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