Great Minds Think Alike… Or Do They?

As you know, Carl and I are great partners.

Not only do we work together to provide awesome training for dealmakers around the world through Dealmaker Wealth Society…

We are also co-founders of the private equity group PROX Capital.

Before travel was restricted, Carl spent about 50% of his time here in Baltimore. We both have apartments in the same historic neighborhood, so we would carpool to the office and hang out in the evenings.

But as much as Carl and I have in common – and as well as we get along – we don’t always agree.

And there’s one dealmaking point on which we have VERY different opinions…

Watch us duke it out below.

Adam video

You’re only one deal away,

Adam Markley
Co-founder, Dealmaker Wealth Society

P.S. Are you Team Adam or Team Carl? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and let us know whose side you’re on – and why.

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