Miss an update? Get caught up to speed here: Day 1
It’s Donna, host of Carl Allen’s Stay-at-Home Millionaire Summit on April 28.
We’re just a few days away from the FREE event that could change your life…
Just like it changed the life of Carl’s business partner (and best friend).
Adam Markley went from his career as a dull corporate accountant… to a world-traveling dealmaker and entrepreneur!
All thanks to the same training you’ll receive for free at the summit.
I pinged Adam, and he agreed to record a private video just for the people attending the event.
He’ll tell you himself how he went from salary capped… to salary stacked!
So you have to ask yourself:
Are you tired of being kept on a short leash by your boss?
Worn out by long hours and low pay?
Adam doesn’t have those problems anymore… and neither should you.
And I know you can do better. Because if Adam can do it, so can you.
Make sure you add the Stay-at-Home Millionaire Summit to your calendar by clicking this link.
We’re counting down the days to your new life as a dealmaking entrepreneur.
See you at the summit!
Donna Ball
Host, Stay-at-Home Millionaire Summit
Dealmaker Wealth Society
P.S. Make sure you open my email tomorrow….
Carl said he’s going to record a video of himself… hiding in a bush?!
I don’t know what he’s talking about… but knowing Carl, you won’t want to miss it!
See you tomorrow!
Missed Day 1? Catch up here!